Git install scripts

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Revision as of 06:19, 6 June 2014 by Andwar (talk | contribs) (minor typo correction (want't --> don't feel like); linked the 'Plugin manager' page)
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Manual download of scripts

If you don't have the option or don't feel like installing git on your system, then go to:

Click the "ZIP" button, near the top left corner. Now unpack the files to a directory. For example:


Now go to: Adding Pymol-script-repo to PyMOL search path [1]

Git install instructions

For Windows users

  1. Install Git for Windows.

Use following settings in options, (You can read more here).

  • Windows Explorer Integration -> Context Menu Entries -> Git Bash Here + Git GUI here
  • Run Git and included Unix tools from Windows Command prompts
  • Checkout Windows style, commit Unix-style endings
  1. Navigate to: C:\Users\YOURNAME
  2. Right click in folder -> Select: Git Gui -> Clone Existing Repository
  3. Source Location: git://
  4. Target Directory: C:\\Users\\YOURNAME\\Pymol-script-repo
    A backslash "\" in a string is is used for escape sequences. To get a real backslash in a string, use double backslash "\\"

You now have all the scripts available in your directory.

For Linux users

  1. Install git
# Debian/Ubuntu/Mint
sudo apt-get install git
# Fedora
su -c 'yum install git'
# openSUSE
sudo zypper in git
  1. Navigate to desired folder:
cd /home/YOURNAME/
git clone git://

You now have all the scripts available in: /home/YOURNAME/Pymol-script-repo

Adding Pymol-script-repo to PyMOL search path

You now have to add the "Pymol-script-repo" directory to the PyMOL search path.

PyMOL has since revision 3997 (30 April 2012) an improved plugin/script manager. You have to remove old installations of plugins first, to get the automatic plugin installation to work.

Making a personal "pymolrc" file - for personal use

  1. Open notepad/gedit and save under:
    1. Win: C:\Users\YOURNAME\pymolrc.pym (Set: "Save as type" to "All files")
    2. Linux: ~/.pymolrc
# Add paths to sys.path so PyMOL can find modules and scripts
import sys, os
pymol_git = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Pymol-script-repo'))
os.environ['PYMOL_GIT_MOD'] = os.path.join(pymol_git,'modules')

# Make starting directory and change to it.
home_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'pymol'))
if not os.path.exists(home_dir): os.makedirs(home_dir)

Then open PyMOL. Go to top menu: Plugin->Plugin Manager

  1. Installed plugins: Unclick "apbs_tools" as "load on startup". (The Pymol-script-repo has a fine-tuned version, "apbsplugin")
  2. Settings->Add new directory: Point to: /custom/path/Pymol-script-repo/plugins
  3. Restart PyMOL

Making a general "" - for all users

This section describes automatic loading of plugins using PyMOL's Plugin manager, which is available in newer PyMOL versions (e.g. 1.7, or higher).

If you have a shared PyMOL installation for several linux computers, you can make general wide changes for the startup of PyMOL.
First locate your PYMOL_PATH. Start PyMOL, and write:

import os
print os.environ['PYMOL_PATH']

In this folder, you place "" and the Pymol-script-repo directory.
Write in "" :

# Add paths to sys.path so PyMOL can find modules and scripts
import sys, os
pymol_git = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.environ['PYMOL_PATH'], 'Pymol-script-repo'))
os.environ['PYMOL_GIT_MOD'] = os.path.join(pymol_git,'modules')

# Make starting directory and change to it.
home_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'pymol'))
if not os.path.exists(home_dir): os.makedirs(home_dir)

# Make setting changes to Plugin Manager
import pymol.plugins
pymol.plugins.preferences = {'instantsave': False, 'verbose': False}
pymol.plugins.autoload = {'apbs_tools': False}
pymol.plugins.set_startup_path([os.path.join(pymol_git, 'plugins'), os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib', 'site-packages', 'pmg_tk', 'startup')])
pymol.plugins.preferences = {'instantsave': True, 'verbose': False}

Test the Scripts

Now start PyMOL, and test in PyMOL.

print sys.path
import colorbydisplacement

Get latest changes to scripts

If new scripts are available or changes have been made, then:

For windows users

  1. Navigate to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Pymol-script-repo
  2. Right click in folder -> Select: Git Bash
  3. Write in terminal
git pull origin master

For Ubuntu/Mint users

  1. Navigate to /home/YOURNAME/Pymol-script-repo
  2. Write in terminal.
git pull origin master

Do you want to contribute with a script?

Information how to contribute scripts to the repository. It's easy!