Biochemistry student intro

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Biochemistry course

This tutorial was written directly for biochemistry students at Copenhagen University, 2012.

This is the very first introduction to the powerful molecular visualizer PyMOL.
We will only cover the very basic steps to get a image of your enzyme and put in your written student article.

Install PyMOL to your windows computer

You first want to install PyMOL.
Do this, by following this guide Pre-compiled_PyMOL
You don't have to follow the steps of extending PyMOL, but if you are a little technical, and want to become friends with PyMOL over time, then consider it.

Find a suitable protein data file

We need to find a Protein Databank File (PDB), which describe the x,y,z coordinates of your enzyme.
These are stored at the homepage: Find a suitable file by searching for: porcine kidney fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase